Sunday, September 28, 2008

Godly Love

Ah, Jesuit masses... how I miss you...

This afternoon I heard my first significant homily in what seems like ages. The priest (freshly ordained last April apparently) mentioned the tragic suicides that took place recently involving the Ateneo or Ateneans. He related an incident where, during one of the wakes being held for one of the deceased, he was approached by a woman who admitted that she was surprised that masses were being held, as she had been of the impression that the Catholic church does not hold mass for people who commit suicide.

The young priest told her that this policy had already been changed, but more importantly he then gave her what he saw as the reason for this: God is perfect love after all. Who are we to limit the depth and breadth of this love? To make sweeping statements as to whom it does and does not apply?

I agree with the sentiment completely. It is a sad irony then, that more often than not, it is the church hierarchy which places God behind man made borders, failing to understand this elemental fact: The source of love is not found in the worthiness of the loved, but in the the virtue of the lover.

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