Sunday, January 11, 2009

50 Odd Eucharists: Week 3

[Valle Verde 5; 10 am]

On the First Reading: Is 42: 1-4; 6-7' I'm not a literal-minded person, but how I wish this passage could be replicated literally. If only justice could be brought forth without any shouting, or crying out, or voices on the street. If only it were that easy...

On the Second Reading: Acts 10: 34-38; "In truth, I see that God shows no partiality." Would that we could say the same for his church and his creations...

On the Gospel: How many people nowadays could take on John's role? One who can achieve so much yet acknowledges that he is but a harbinger of a better man. In the realm of leadership, political or otherwise, rare is the person who would willingly seat himself or herself at the end of the table - and rarer still would be someone recognizing that and moving the humble guest to his proper place of honor at the head.

We've had our share of purported Saviors - did they fail because we had a surplus of saviors, and a famine of baptists? Do they fail because they try to do too much instead of laying the groundwork for those that come after? Or do too many cooks simply spoil the broth?

On the Homily: As a believer, I do admit that I find the idea of a smug atheist looking down his nose at me to be irritating as hell. That being said however, I think the priest needs to learn that one cannot refute the argument that "the Bible is wrong - there is no God" by saying in turn "God is real - see, our 2,000 year old Bible says so!"

I did however like his prayer for the poor - not the material poor, but the poor in spirit.

Other Notes: "The Lord will bless his people with peace," we chanted during the responsorial psalm. Let it be so. Let it be soon.

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