Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Can Imagine the Filing Fees...

Oh Norby... you say the most adorable things...

And by adorable, I mean absolutely-deplorable.

For once, as tasteless and ill-handled as it may have been, the administration has the law on their side on this one. Of course, the law itself will say that even if you have the legal right to do something, this doesn't mean you can abuse that right without consequences...

Still, it comforts me to know that even when the administration does something that is, not strictly speaking illegal, I can always count on ol' Norby Gonzales to say something that will make me feel completely justified in hating their guts.

Enough with the Vilma-Pallin comparisons (and not just because these are eminently unfair to Vilma): it's the eerie Norby-Cheney similarities that should be making the news.

UPDATE: (9 Oct 08) Norby, Norby, Norby... if you simply must engage in inappropriate verbal abuse at least use the right word: the only way you could say the Hultmans are hypocrites would be if they facilitated the pardon of someone who murdered your child in perhaps the most unsympathetic and abrasive way possible, then told you to alternatively complain to Jesus or jump in a lake - and then had the gall to call you to task when you did the exact same thing.

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